Posted On at by I Wayan Wijayasa (Vijay)Here are some photograph of graduation ceremony (WISUDA) of Denpasar Tourism Academy.
Ibu Lisnawati
Dalam usianya di atas 52 tahun, ibu Lisnawati berhasil meraih gelar sarjana S1 bidang Administrasi Niaga pada STIA Denpasar.
Ibu Lisnawati. She showed us what long life education is. No matter how old you, education is a must. /a>
Left: Lecturer of STMIK Denpasar
Right: Ni Wayan Sumariadhi,SST.ParLecturer of Denpasar Tourism Academy
Left: Mdm. Kompyang Sari
Right: Beautifull Girl, Ms. Dian