The best Mangrove Forest in Asia is in Bali

Mangrove forest is one of interesting destination to visit. Enjoy the morning breeze in unpolluted area become an experience we would like to have routinely, and mangrove forest is the place. You can watch the birds flying and singing, find food, see the beauty of mangrove forest and flower, know mangrove fruit, climb the tree, jogging on the path, and many other interesting activities. 

To enjoy the place, we need even half day vacation here. It is not because of long trekking, but rather the way we enjoy it. We can bring a guitar and sit down on the nature, sing beautiful song, while watching lizard passing by, or mating bird. If you are lucky, the snake passing by. 

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Mangrove Forest
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Morning Walk
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Trying New Path, Challenging
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Mangrove forest at Suwung Village, Bali, Indonesia is one of the best preserved mangrove forest in Asia. Entrance ticket for for foreigner is IDR 200,000.- and domestic is IDR 10,000.-

So, what are you waiting for? come to this place and enjoy the day with your beloved. See the map below!


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